Friday, April 19, 2013


Notice the smiles on the faces of just about every third grader! We are so happy to be finished with CRCT testing. Third graders have worked very hard this week to show what they know on this important test. We are now anxiously awaiting the results.

In the mean time, we've got a busy 29 days of school left! Be sure to check back frequently to make sure you're up-to-date with what's happening at Gilbert!

First up, we have a trip to LaFayette High School on Friday, April 26th. We will be attending the Walker County Special Olympics. Our goal is to provide support and encouragement for all participants. We are making signs and learning cheers/songs to do in the stand to support our Gilbert Gators. We’ll take sack lunches and enjoy a picnic on the grounds of LHS before returning to Gilbert around noon.

Next up is our Science field trip to Ruby Falls. Lookout Mountain is widely known for its many unusual geological features. The most unique of which being Ruby Falls, a 145-foot underground waterfall located more than 1,120 feet beneath the mountain’s surface. The fascinating story of the formation of Lookout Mountain, the Ruby Falls cave and Ruby Falls itself is told by the rocks that formed each of these wonders.

We will travel to Ruby Falls on Wednesday, May 1. The cost for each student is $8. A limited number of adults may attend. The adult price is $13. Parents will have to drive on your own or you may carpool, as parents are not allowed to ride the bus. If you would like to attend, please get your money returned as soon as possible. The chaperone spots will be first come, first serve. We need all monies by Wednesday, April 24th. Younger brothers and sisters are not allowed to attend.  ** Adults who show up at Ruby Falls who do not go through us, will be charged the regular admission price of $17.95 per person. Also, you may be placed in a different touring group than us, as the numbers of visitors are limited.

Lastly, we will attend the Walker County AG Day activities on May 2nd. We will spend the morning at the Walker County Agriculture Center in Rock Spring. We will complete several activities and learn more about agriculture in our community. We will have lunch at the LaFayette Recreation Department.