Monday, October 13, 2014

Reading Note

Dear Parents and Students,

I am writing to inform you of a change that will take place this week. Since we no longer do the Accelerated Reader program, we must substitute another activity in its place to hold students accountable for reading. Judging by how often students are asking to visit the media center, I am worried that we are NOT getting any reading practice. We tried the Reading Choice Boards but those proved to be a bit much.

As of this week, all students reading on level J (18) or higher must read a chapter book. Students will only go to the library once per week. The book must be completed by Friday. Students will also complete a story map (pictured below). The story map provides practice on our current reading and writing standards. Please note: The assignment should be completed using complete sentences with correct punctuation and spelling. It will be due on Friday, October 17.

Students who are reading below level J will do the Reading Choice Board. These students should choose 3 of the boxes to complete. The boxes do not have to be in a row, any three will work. Please write in complete sentences with correct punctuation and spelling. This assignment will also be due on Friday, October 17, 2014.

Story Map for Chapter Book Readers

Reading Choice Board for Other Readers

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Wk 5 Homework & News (Sept. 15-19)

Week 5: September 15-19, 2014
 Here's a peek at what we're learning and
working towards this week!

This week in Math, we will be discussing addition and subtraction strategies that will help us fluently add and subtract within 3 and 4 digit numbers. We will be adding posters to our notebooks and binders to help us remember to use these strategies within our addition and subtraction. Please continue to practice simple facts with your child (ex. 4+8=___) and have them use flashcards, math websites, and/or calling them aloud to practice their fluency. We are working on a portion of a standard; therefore we will not have a formal “test” or assessment this week. I will have "practice without penalty" sheets for them to take home for extra review. These are NOT homework, and they do NOT need to bring them back to school. This practice is to show what we are doing in class and for parents to be able to give math support at home.

 For Science this week, we will continue learning about Georgia's habitats.  Your student will learn about many new plants and animals as we venture into the Swamp and Marsh habitat.  Not only, are we learning about plants and animals, but our primary focus when learning about this habitats is to understand what happens to them when their habitat is destroyed. We also are learning about what adaptations these plants and animals have that enable them to live in their habitat. 

In ELA, we will still be discussing subjects and predicates, but we will take it a little deeper as we learn about complete, simple, and compound predicates.  Persuasive writing will still be our focus in Writing.  This week, we will begin to merge Science and Writing.  The students will be writing about which habitat of Georgia they would like to live in with a partner. Next week, the students will begin creating a commercial trying to "sell" their habitat.  I believe this will be fun for your child.  We also hope to have them posted on our blog so you can view your child's commercial.  

This week students will learn all about types of questions. The week will begin with lessons on asking questions before, during, and after reading. Then students will learn about question and answer relationships. They will learn how to find those answers and cite evidence to prove them.
There will also be a Reading Vocabulary test on Friday on the words from this week's focus text, Two Bad Ants by Chris Van Allsburg. Please remind students the reading words are in our vocabulary journal (Steno Pad). There are six words for which students will need to match with definitions. 

This week, we will continue our study of the Ancient Greeks and their contributions to our culture and society. Work hard on those vocabulary words for Thursday’s vocabulary test. We are wrapping up our Ancient Greece unit and will be ready to test early next week. 

Treat Days – Wednesday (Ice Cream), Thirsty Thursday (Slushie), & Friday (Slushie)
 Please do not remove anything from your GATOR binder. You need to keep every item we place inside. The only things that should be removed are items in the front and back pockets. 
 No Reading Choice Board this week as part of homework this week. We’ll take a break and pick it up a little bit later. 
Family Fun Night this Friday 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.! Be there! Thank you to our four parents who have graciously volunteered 30 minutes of their time.

Tuesday's Homework
  • Read for 20 minutes. Be sure to write down the books on your reading log. If you are out of space, you can use a sheet of notebook paper. Just be sure to record the date you read, title, author, and your rating.
  • Study reading vocabulary words from Two Bad Ants.
  • Study the Swamps and Marsh study guide and review the mini-book. There was a typo on the homework sheet.
  • Practice addition and subtraction facts to improve fact fluency.
  • Play the vocabulary match game (Ancient Greece words) with a family member.
Wednesday's Homework
  • Read for 20 minutes. Be sure to write down the books on your reading log. If you are out of space, you can use a sheet of notebook paper. Just be sure to record the date you read, title, author, and your rating.
  • Study reading vocabulary words from Two Bad Ants.
  • Study the Swamps and Marsh study guide and review the mini-book. There was a typo on the homework sheet.
  • Practice addition and subtraction facts to improve fact fluency.
  • Play the vocabulary match game (Ancient Greece words) with a family member. Be ready for your vocabulary quiz tomorrow.
Thursday's Homework
  • Read for 20 minutes. Be sure to write down the books on your reading log. If you are out of space, you can use a sheet of notebook paper. Just be sure to record the date you read, title, author, and your rating.
  • Study reading vocabulary words from Two Bad Ants. Test tomorrow!
  • Study the Swamps and Marsh study guide and review the mini-book. Be ready
  • Practice addition and subtraction facts to improve fact fluency.
  • Review your Ancient Greece Newsletter.
Friday's Homework
  • None! See you at Family Fun Night! Come see us at the Cake/Plant walk!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Wk 2 News

In the KNOW…3rd Grade          August 25, 2014 

Announcements/ Reminders
Thanks for a great first full week of school! Hopefully, you and your student are settling into a routine. We wanted to touch base with third grade families concerning a few things that have popped up throughout our week.
      No water bottles. With us changing classes, we’ve experienced just too many spills.
      No toys! We pack a lot of activities into each day. Please do not allow your child to bring toys, Pokémon cards, etc. to school.
      Keep your GATOR binder organized! Do not remove anything except graded papers from the back pocket. You will need all the items we add to our binder to study for tests. Don’t keep extra things in binders or pencil pouch.
      Although we don’t require written homework, students must review study guides, newsletters, vocabulary, etc. in order to perform well on assignments, tasks, and assessments. There is something new we are adding in reading this week to take the place of the Accelerated Reading program, as we are no longer able to use it.

Keep in Touch!
We hope that you are taking advantage of the new technology that is available to stay informed about your child’s education. The codes for Remind 101 are in your Welcome to 3rd Grade booklet. You’ll want to sign up for all three teacher’s reminders to stay up to date on when tests will be given and projects/assignments are due. Class Dojo is more for behavior. Students earn points for good behaviors and lose points for negative behavior. Positive points earn Chompy Cash. When you sign up to link to your student’s account, you can see which behaviors he or she is demonstrating in class and at what time they occur. We have made a few changes with Class Dojo. Students now begin their day with a +1 (plus 1) which means they’re on blue. No points showing means they are on green. -1 means yellow and -2 means red. However, students may have to change colors and then earn points for correcting behavior. The points will be added but students are not allowed to move back up the color chart. We are still working out the kinks in the system since this is our first year using it across the grade level.

Weekly Specials
      Richardson – Science Lab
      Scott – P.E. - Wear tennis shoes daily!
      Thornton – Computer Lab

Math w/ Mrs. Scott
In Math this week, we will begin rounding numbers in the hundreds and tens place. We will also start stations at the end of math each day. These stations will be centered on our standards for the week and reviewing standards we have previously learned. Please work with your child each afternoon on addition and subtraction facts. We will begin timed addition and subtraction tests each Friday. We are working towards fluency with these facts. Flashcards are an excellent resource to use when practicing these facts. Your child can go to the following website to practice these facts. This site will time your child to help them become more fluent.  

Science w/ Mrs. Thornton
In Science, we will continue to explore Georgia’s habitats. This week, we will learn about the Piedmont region. Your student will need to be able to list plants and animals from this habitat and know why these animals live there. Also, if you were not happy with your student’s grade on Friday’s mountain region test, he or she will be allowed to retake it this week. Have him/her study and let me know via behavior sheet or note when he/she is ready to retake.

English & Writing w/ Mrs. Thornton
In Language Arts this week, we will be learning about subjects and predicates. We will practice all week and take an assessment on Friday. Opinion writing will be our focus for writing. We will also begin learning the steps of the writing process.  Students really need to work on handwriting. It is hard for them to demonstrate newly learned skills if their work is too messy to be read.

Reading w/ Mrs. Richardson
For week 2, our standards will focus on sensory details, mental pictures and movies, and the importance of the pictures in telling a story. We will continue to work on fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension through whole group, small group, and independent activities. I will also continue gathering baseline data by administering running records and the Developmental Reading Assessment in order to individualize and tailor instruction.

A few changes in reading will occur this week. We’re getting down to business and reading tons of books. To that end, we will be adding a reading log to our GATOR binders. Please be sure to record your reading each night. Parents, please initial beside the entry. Remember you should practice your reading for at LEAST 20 minutes each night.  It doesn’t have to be all in one sitting. Keep your books with you and read when you can. Students can read in the car on the way home or to fall sports practice.

The next thing you’ll notice that’s new this week is the Reading Choice Board.  Everyone remembers playing tic-tac-toe, right? Well, that’s basically what you’ll be doing. You must choose three boxes in a row: horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. Before Friday, you must respond to the three prompts you choose. The recording sheet is on the back. You may do one each night to spread them out or you may do them all in one night. I won’t take up the boards until Friday. So you’ll have until Friday to get them finished. Please remember to read the prompt carefully and respond in complete sentences. Write legibly. If I cannot read it, I cannot grade it. You’ll have to recopy it during recess on Friday. You may choose to do more than three if you wish. However, only three are required.
You will also have six reading vocabulary words to learn this week. They are chosen from one of our read alouds, Twilight Comes Twice by Ralph Fletcher. They will be located in your Vocabulary Journal (a steno pad). All the words will be listed on Monday. Each day, we will focus on two of these words. A vocabulary quiz will be given on Friday.

Social Studies w/ Mrs. Richardson
We are continuing with our Geography standards in Social Studies this week. We’ll focus on the five major rivers and two mountain ranges of the United States. There are five new vocabulary words to learn. They are a bit easier than last week’s words. You’ll have a vocabulary quiz on Friday to assess how well you’ve learned these new words. There’s also a test over map skills including a map with rivers and mountains drawn; you will have to label them correctly. The words will be on the paper so don’t spend time memorizing the spelling of the rivers & mountains. Students will learn pneumonic devices to help remember them.

As Mrs. Thornton mentioned in her section, students will be allowed to retest in each subject if they score below a 70. So if you aren’t happy with your student’s score on the Mountains test or Social Studies vocabulary quiz, study and practice. Retests must be administered before Friday, so we do not interfere with this week’s testing. We must set a deadline for retests. The quizzes and assessments are to measure progress on third grade standards. Grades on the report card are based on those standards. If a student doesn’t get the retests in, it will reflect as no progress on the report card.

Dates to Know
  •  8-26-14 Volunteer Orientation & Title I Meeting
  •  8-27-14 Wednesday is Ice Cream Day $0.50
  •  8-28-14 Thirsty Thursday – Slushies $
  •  8-29-14 Friday – 3rd Grade Slushie Day $
  •  9-1-14 Labor Day Holiday – No School

Website & Email

3rd Grade Thoughts

Gilbert Current Events

Mrs. Richardson

Mrs. Scott

Mrs. Thornton

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Welcome to 3rd Grade!

Welcome to 3rd grade at Gilbert! Thank you Gator families for coming out to Open House last night. Here is a peek inside our first day!

The pictures of students holding up numbers were of a team building activity in which student had to line up in order by their birthdays without talking to each other. The other photos are of our "human knots." Here's what to do:
  1. Have all 10 kids stand in a circle, facing inward.
  2. Tell everyone to reach their right arm towards the center and grab someone else's hand. Make sure no one grabs the hand of the person right next to them.
  3. Next, have everyone reach their left arm in and grab someone else's hand. Again, make sure it's not the person right next to them.
  4. Now, the fun begins! The kids need to work together to untangle the human knot and end up in a perfect circle again. They can go over or under each other's arms, or through legs if needed! They can do anything they want as long as they don't break the chain in the process!
As you can see, it was a ton of fun!

Day 1 was a great success! Everyone left with a smile on his/her face! Let's have a great year!

Friday, February 28, 2014

Lions, and Tiger, and Bears! Oh, My!

Today in third grade, Mrs. Hodge's students presented their animal reports. They visited classrooms throughout Gilbert Elementary to share interesting facts learned about animals, diet, appearance, and habitats. What fun it was for everyone!

Check out these two students from Mrs. Richardson's homeroom!

Hannah Minshew taught us all about kangaroos!

Jathan Harding taught us about capybaras.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

CRCT Study Guides Posted

Walker County Schools will administer the Criterion-Referenced Competency Test during the week of April 23-May 1, 2014 to third through fifth graders. Make up exams will be given the following week.

To help your child prepare for the CRCT, the Georgia Department of Educations has study guides available for each grade level. To access the study guide, click on your grade level.

Grade 3 Study Guide

For more information, visit Georgia Department of Education.

Reading Update

Our next AR Luncheon will be March 21st. The top five readers in each class will attend. The top five are chose based on the number of words read for this grading period not the year overall. I wanted to give everyone an update on current AR standings and a few statistics.

Mrs. Hodge
Drake Dockery 44,667 words
Candace Helms 36,307 words
Oliver Nolasco 35,363 words
Hermione Oswalt 23,633 words
Bella Bray 23,368 words

Mrs. Richardson
Emerald Davis 58,237 words
Devon Cole 50,013 words
Shelby Madden 44,602 words
Christion Ware 38,471 words
Jathan Harding 31,158 words

Mrs. Scott
Kinsley Lawson 45,545 words
Benjamin Selman 39,213 words
Halei Howard 39,212 words
Sara Davis 28,803 words
Jonah Neal 27,791 words

The competition isn't over. It will run through March 21. Keep reading!