Friday, August 31, 2012

Back to School!

It's that time of year for teachers, students, and parents! Back to School! Teachers love this time of year. It's an opportunity for each of us to begin again. New pencils, new crayons, new folders!  Who doesn't love school supplies, right? :) We spend time decorating our rooms to create an engaging  learning environment. The best part however, is the challenge of a helping a new group of students learn to the best of their abilities and to have a successful year.

Third grade will look a little differently as we embark on this year's adventure. Due to third grade enrollment and teacher allotments, there are only three teachers. We are departmentalizing. In other words, third graders will change classes. Mrs. Scott will teach Mathematics. Mrs. Hodge will teach Science and Social Studies. I will be teaching Reading and Writing. All three of us will teach English. None of us have ever taught this way before. It will be a learning experience for all of us.

Tonight was our Open House event. It was exciting to meet so many of our new third graders! I was able to meet 20 of my homeroom students and many others stopped by to introduce themselves to the reading teacher. Be sure to stop by the Gilbert Happenings Blog to check out the photos taken tonight! I can't wait to see you all again on Tuesday! Have a terrific weekend!

It was also great to see my former students! I feel so honored that you take a moment to stop by and say hello. On the other hand, I feel so OLD! You've grown so much! Some of you, just over the summer. Others informed me they were beginning HIGH SCHOOL! What? I think to myself, "Wasn't it just the other day when I was the new teacher on the block and you were all little first graders?" I guess that happens after 16 years! :) I am blessed beyond measure to work at such a wonderful school with kind and caring colleagues and the best students in the world!

Let's have a great year!