Saturday, October 31, 2009

Math Workshop

This week in Math Workshop, we continued work on multiplication. We completed a task called the Magic Money Machine. In this task, students were asked to figure out how much money Lucky Luke would receive from the "Magic Money Machine". The machine had three buttons: a red button that doubled your money, a blue button that tripled your money, and a yellow button that multiplied your money by 10. Students also had to compute the total amount of money Lucky Luke received from the machine. They did an awesome job with this task! Check out some photos of our class hard at work.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Study Island!

Hopefully, your child has told you a little about a new program we are using. The program is called Study Island. It is a wonderful program which allows students to practice skills taught as part of the Georgia Performance Standards. Study Island encompasses Math, Reading, English, Science, and Social Studies.

While at school, students are required to review the mini lessons and complete a test with at least 10 questions before playing the Game Mode. Students may play in game mode from home. In order to play the game, students must answer questions correctly.

Study Island may be accessed with a computer and an Internet connection. Your child's log in information follows the pattern below. Students should remember the password. If not please call or email me at school for assistance.

Log In

You may also click on the banner above to reach the site.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Halloween Snack

I would like for our classroom to have a special snack for Halloween this Friday, October 30th. We are unable to have a party, but a snack is acceptable. If you could please donate one of the following items: chips, juice boxes, individually wrapped candy, cookies or a cookie cake, and small party favors. All donations are greatly appreciated. You can start sending in snacks with your child at any time. We have 15 students in our class. Thank you for your continued support!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Pep Rally!

On Wednesday, October 21, third graders were awarded for their accomplishments for the first nine weeks grading period. Ribbons were awarded for Honor Roll, Star Honor Roll, Perfect Attendance, and meeting AR goals! Congratulations to everyone for a great first nine weeks!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Wk 10 October 14-16

Welcome back, everyone!

Due to our fall break, we will not have assigned spelling words or a fluency passage for this week. I do expect students to read their AR books each night. Chapter books need to be finished by Friday. Some of us have had our books for a while and need to get them back to the media center.

We'll return to our regular homework schedule next week!

See you in the morning,

Mrs. Richardson :o)

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to school!

I hope you all had a wonderful fall break! My son Alex is home from college this week. It's been great having him home. I hope you got to spend some quality time with family members too!

I wanted to thank everyone for coming out to Family Fun Night! We had a blast! Our class sponsored the Cake/Plant walk with Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Epperson, and Miss Higdon. What fun! It was much more like a "dance" than a walk. We had over 300 players (of course some of those were repeat visitors)! Thanks for your support!

Hopefully, you made it to the Kiss the Pig event. It was quite a surprise to see three folks kiss the pig! We were able to raise over $600 for our school through this contest! In case you missed it, here are a few photos!