Sunday, January 25, 2015

Wk 21 News & Homework

Monday, January 26
--> Read for 20 minutes. Write your books down on your reading log.
  • Review heat energy newsletter/study guide and the HEAT MOVES foldable.
  • Review Lyndon B. Johnson newsletter.
  • Write your multiplication facts for 3 four times each.

  • Tuesday, January 27
    • Read for 20 minutes. Write your books down on your reading log.
    • Review heat energy newsletter/study guide and the HEAT MOVES foldable.
    • Review Lyndon B. Johnson newsletter.
    • Write your multiplication facts for 3 four times each.
    • TEST TOMORROW on Simple, Compound, and Complex Sentences

    Wednesday January 28
    • Read for 20 minutes. Write your books down on your reading log.
    • Review heat energy newsletter/study guide and the HEAT MOVES foldable.
    • Review Lyndon B. Johnson newsletter.
    • Write your multiplication facts for 3 four times each.
    • TEST TOMORROW on Multiplication Facts Quiz

    Thursday, January 29
    • Read for 20 minutes. Write your books down on your reading log.
    • Review heat energy newsletter/study guide and the HEAT MOVES foldable.
    • Review Lyndon B. Johnson newsletter.
    • Write your multiplication facts for 3 four times each.
    • TEST TOMORROW on Lyndon B. Johnson

    Click here for a copy of this weeks homework and newsletter.

    Sunday, January 11, 2015

    Wk 19 Homework & News

    Math w/ Mrs. Scott

    This week, we will continue our unit on Geometry.

    We will have our multiplication - timed test for math facts. Students will test based on individual needs. Please check your student’s Score Sheet to see which facts he or she needs to study!

    Learning Targets
    • I can place shapes into categories depending upon their attributes. (3.G.1)
    • I can recognize and draw quadrilaterals such as rhombuses, rectangles, and squares, as well as other examples of quadrilaterals. (3.G.1) 

    Homework: Remember writing your math facts is an easy way to earn Chompy Cash!
    • Monday - Write your multiplication facts for 3 four times each.
    • Tuesday - Write your multiplication facts for 4 four times each.
    • Wednesday - Write your multiplication facts for 6 four times each. 
    • Thursday - Write your multiplication facts for 7 four times each. 

    Science w/ Mrs. Thornton

    We are investigating insulators and how they affect heating and cooling. Considering the crazy weather, this might help us learn to stay warm.

    We are investigating insulators and how they affect heating and cooling. Considering the crazy weather, this might help us learn to stay warm.

    Learning Targets: 

    • I can categorize ways to produce heat energy such as burning, rubbing (friction), and mixing one thing with another. (P1)
    • I can investigate how insulation affects heating and cooling. (P1)
    • I can investigate the transfer of heat energy from the sun to various materials. (P1)
    • I can use thermometers to measure the changes in temperature of water samples (hot, warm, cold) over time. (P1)

    • Monday - Review heat and energy newsletter/study guide.
    • Tuesday - Review heat and energy newsletter/study guide.
    • Wednesday - Review heat and energy newsletter/study guide.
    • Thursday - Review heat and energy newsletter/study guide.

    Reminder: We are in need of pizza boxes. So please save yours for us if you and your family have pizza this week!

    English & Writing w/ Mrs. Thornton
    We’ll use what we’ve learned about conjunctions to help us write better simple and compound sentences.

    Students will be given a nonfiction reading passage. They will be asked to write an extended response using the APEC method to give their opinion and refer to the text as evidence to support it. 

    Learning Targets:

    • I can use coordinating and subordinating conjunctions. (L1) 
    • I can state an opinion on a given topic and provide reasons that support the opinion in an organizational structure. (W1)

    No English or Writing Homework! 

    Reading with Mrs. Richardson
    This week, we will have our test on Character traits. It’s a skill that students really can’t study for; they have to practice the skill as they read. They have performed very well on this skill and are more than ready for the assessment.

    We will finally get to nonfiction! We’ll look at organization, features, and vocabulary.

    Note: We will not have a written assignment on our library books this week. However, please be sure to record your nightly reading on your Reading Log (notebook paper in the Reading Section of your GATOR binder.)

    Learning Targets:

    • I can explain how historical events, scientific ideas fit together using words that describe time, sequence, and cause/ effect. (RI3)
    • I can determine the meaning of words or phrases in informational text about a specific topic. (RI4)
    • I can use text feature AND I can use search tools on a computer to locate information on a topic. (headings, table of contents, electronic menus, icons, glossaries, captions, bold print, subheadings, indexes, keywords, sidebars, hyperlinks) (RI5)

    • Monday - Read your library books. Be sure to write them down on your reading log.
    • Tuesday - Read your library books. Be sure to write them down on your reading log.
    • Wednesday - Read your library books. Be sure to write them down on your reading log.
    • Thursday - Read your library books. Be sure to write them down on your reading log.

    Note: Mrs. Richardson will award Chompy Cash to those who can show me your reading log on Friday that proves you read for 20 minutes each night!    

    Social Studies with Mrs. Richardson
    On Monday, we will take our test on FDR and introduced his wife, Eleanor as our next Famous American. Study your newsletter and be ready for Friday’s test. It will count as portion of your child’s grade for the Famous Americans (H2a-b) and the Geography (G2a-b) standards. 

    Learning Targets:
    • I can discuss the life of Eleanor Roosevelt and tell how he expanded people’s rights and freedoms. (H2a)
    • I can explain the social barriers, restrictions, and obstacles Eleanor Roosevelt faced and how she overcame them. (H2b)
    • I can identify on a map the locations that were significant to Eleanor Roosevelt. (G2a)
    • I can tell how these locations had and impact on Eleanor Roosevelt’s environment. (G2b)
    • I can tell how Eleanor Roosevelt adapted and was influenced by her environment. (G2c/d)
    • Monday - Review your Eleanor Roosevelt Newsletter.
    • Tuesday - Review your Eleanor Roosevelt Newsletter.
    • Wednesday - Review your Eleanor Roosevelt Newsletter.
    • Thursday - Review your Eleanor Roosevelt Newsletter for our test tomorrow!