Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Soil - More than just dirt?

Soil - More Than Just Dirt
Who knew getting "dirty" could be a learning adventure?

On Monday, our science lesson focused on soil. We learned lots of interesting facts. Here's a few we'd like to share with you:
  • Soil is very important! Plants need soil to grow. In a round about way, every living thing on our planet needs soil!
  • The top layer is called topsoil.
  • The next layer is the subsoil.
  • The final layer is bedrock, which as its name implies is a "bed" of solid rock.
  • Soil is more than just dirt. It contains rocks, remains of dead plants and animals (humus), minerals, and water.
  • There are several different types of soil: sand, silt, clay, and loam.
  • Loam is basically potting soil or topsoil. It's full of humus and other nutrients needed by plants.
I found the neatest website on Discovery Education's website. Students and I boarded an EarthShip. We traveled on a microscopic safari through the various layers of soil in search for a toxic chemical. Our mission was to discover the toxic chemical before it could damage the meadow and the creatures that live there. We were able to use a "shrinking" ray of sorts to make ourselves small enough to travel down through the soil. We discovered there's much more than meets the eye when dealing with soil.

Click here to visit the site!

Clipart by Phillip Martin.
Screen Shot from Discovery's Website.