Sunday, August 9, 2009

First Day!

Mrs. Richardson's 3rd Grade Class

I just wanted to thank everyone for a wonderful first day! We spent the day getting to know each other through an activity called "New Kids on the Block". Hopefully, you will get the chance to stop by and see our end products. They are hanging in the hall.

It was hard for me as a mom as I had to send my oldest child, Alex off to the University of Tennessee at 6 a.m. on Friday. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done... saying bye to my child. Secondly, my youngest started High School. It seems like just yesterday that they were still here at Gilbert with me. I was a bit teary for the first hour or so of school. However, the wonderful smiling faces of my new students quickly cheered me up!

We are in for a wonderful school year! I am excited to be your child's teacher and am working hard to plan for the best year ever!