Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Measuring Keepers

This week, we are continuing our unit on measurement. On Tuesday, we used one-inch tiles as our standard measuring tool. We completed an activity called Measuring Keepers. Students were given a set of paper fish to measure. We had three types of fish: mackeral, alewife, and perch. Each type of fish had a different keeper measurement. For example, the perch was considered a keeper if it was 6 inches or longer. Students measured the fish and recorded the measurements on a recording sheet along with the decision of whether or not the fish was a keeper. We had so much fun doing this activity. Check out our photos!

Today, students were given a 12X18 inch sheet of construction paper. Their task for the day was to design a fish that would meet the criteria they had to set for a "keeper". I was amazed at the creativity and hard work students exhibited today. Look at our fish!