Saturday, March 15, 2008

CRCT is quickly approaching!

The CRCT, Criterion Reference Competency Test, is scheduled for April 14-22, 2008. The CRCT is designed to measure how well students acquire the skills and knowledge described in the Georgia Performance Standards (GPS) and the Quality Core Curriculum (QCC).
First graders are only required to take the Math, Reading, and Language Arts sections of the test. Thus, our test dates are as follows:

  • Monday, April 14 - Reading
  • Tuesday, April 15 - Language Arts
  • Wednesday, April 16 - Math
Since this is your child's first year taking a test of this magnitude, he or she may be feeling more than a little nervous. We are taking practice tests in the classroom to help students become more comfortable with the format of the CRCT and the way questions are asked. We are also learning other test taking strategies to help them cope with any test anxiety they may have.

What can you do to help?
  • Review the Benchmark Tests we send home. These tests are written in the same language as the CRCT. It will help you child become familiar with the different types of questions on the test.
  • Be sure your child completes his/her homework each night. From now until testing is complete, we will have review pages for homework on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. Have your child complete the assignment. Check over it quickly. Go over any problems or items missed.
  • Check you child's folder daily, as I will be sending graded classwork home more frequently. In class, we are reviewing skills that were taught earlier in the year in preparation for testing. Although we go over this work in class, please go over the items your child may have answered incorrectly.
  • Visit the following website to download a CRCT study guide for first grade: There will be a menu on the right side of the webpage. Scroll down to first grade. It will download a PDF file that you can print or use from your computer. It has some great activities and ideas to help you and your child prepare for the test.