We've survived our first week of school!
It has been a very busy week! We have successfully started Writer's Workshop and Math Workshop. Students have reviewed color words, number words, numerals to 10, and many other skills.
I have assessed everyone's reading levels and early literacy skills using the DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) and the DRA2 (Developmental Reading Assessment). Mr. Lemons administered the STAR test which allows us a starting point for the Accelerated Reading Program. Both of these assessments allow me to target instruction based on individual student needs.
Mr. Lemons has administered the STAR test. The STAR test gives us a Zone of Proximal Development for your child's reading. Mrs. Massey uses this information to put "dots" on student AR folders. Students will be allowed to check out books according to their "dots" to be read for our Accelerated Reading Program.
Our week ended with a visit to Mrs. Massey in the Media Center for orientation. Mrs. Massey shared her expectations and rules for our weekly visits. She also shared Sergio Makes a Splash, a wonderful story about a penguin who was afraid of the water. We checked out our first library book! It was a great way to end a perfect week!