Class Schedule
Arrival - 7:45 Morning Work/ Journals
7:45 Gilbert Morning News
7:50 Calendar
8:15 Phonics
8:30 Math Workshop
9:15 Independent Reading
9:45 Reader's Workshop
10:30 Writer's Workshop
11:15 Lunch
11:45 Handwriting
12:00 Skills Block
12:30 Specials
1:15 Accelerated Reader
1:40 Recess
2:00 Afternoon Announcements
2:15 Dismissal
This week we will begin our spelling program. For tips on helping your child study his/her words, be sure to check out the list of spelling activities that was included in the blue parent folder.
AR has officially begun! Mr. Hayes and Mrs. Massey has agreed to provide the top readers with a Walmart shopping spree. Be sure to read your AR book as part of each night's homework! Each child should be ready for an AR test when he/she returns to school the next morning.

This Week at a Glance
Here's a peek at what we'll be learning this week!
- Math Workshop - Number line, Numeration to 30
- Writer's Workshop - Habits of Good Writers, Pencil Reminders
- Reader's Workshop - How to choose appropriate level books for independent reading
- Phonics - Letter Sounds U-Z
- Word Wall Words - Individualized Lists
- Handwriting: T, O, A, C, and D

This Week's Specials
Monday - P.E.
Tuesday - Computer
Wednesday - P.E.
Thursday - Art
Friday - P.E.

- Be sure to initial behavior and homework sheets each night.
- Send in Box Tops and Campbell's Soup labels. Thank you to everyone who has already done so. We are up to 690 points.
- If you have questions or concerns about your child's progress, please feel free to contact me. I may be reached via email (elisarichardson@walkerschools.org) or by phone (706-638-2432).