On Friday, we visited Mrs. Massey in the Media Center. She share the most wonderful story with us, The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein. It begins... "Once there was a tree who loved a little boy." The tree goes on to watch the little boy grow up to be a man. She gives him everything she has to give.
Mrs. Massey used The Giving Tree to teach us about the two kinds of character. One type of character refers to the people, objects, or animals in a story. In this book, the tree and the boy were the main characters. Mrs. Massey also taught us about another character which refers to the attributes that determine a persons moral and ethical actions and reactions, in other words "who we are in our hearts".
Mrs. Massey challenged students to think of one way they could show good character as we created an art project. Students did an awesome job with this project.
Kai said, "I will help my baby sister."