Representing numbers less than 100 using a variety of models, diagrams, and number sentences.
Representing numbers larger than 10 in terms of tens and ones using counters and pictures.
Correctly counting and representing the number of objects in a set using numerals.
Comparing small sets using the terms greater than, less than, or equal to (<, >, =)
Understanding the magnitude and order of numbers up to 100 by making ordered sequences and representing them on a number line.
On Wednesday, we learned a game to help us with counting forward and backward. The game is called Start With/ Get To. To play pairs of students need numeral cards 0-30. Student 1 chooses a number. This number becomes the Start With number. Student 2 chooses a number card which becomes the Get To number. Based on which numbers are drawn students will be counting either forward or backwards. If I drew the number 24 and my partner drew 16, we would count together beginning at 24 and counting backwards to 16. Once students got the gist of the game, they loved it. More students liked counting backwards than forwards. We had fun playing Start With/ Get To. Check us out.