Thursday, August 28, 2008
Friday Candy Sale!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Star Student of the Week... Eli!
This week's Star Student is ....
Eli is 6 years old.
His favorite color is green.
His favorite thing to do is play games.
When he grows up he wants to be a stuntman.
Eli says the best part of him is his eyes.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Today in Math...
Today, we started our unit on data analysis and graphing. In our opening, I challenged students to consider the following: Suppose you could be a whale or an eagle for the day. Which one would you rather be? Once our decisions were made, we had to consider how we would show our data using connecting cubes. The students suggested we let blue cubes stand for the whales since whales live in water. They suggested using black for eagles. We passed around the container of cubes from which students chose either a blue or black cube depending on which animal they picked. Next, students decided we should connect our cubes together so that we could tell which animal more people chose. We ended up with thirteen blue and four black cubes.

During work time, students were asked to make a representation of the Eagle or Whale data. Below are some examples created by students.

Friday, August 22, 2008
Math Workshop

Representing numbers less than 100 using a variety of models, diagrams, and number sentences.
Representing numbers larger than 10 in terms of tens and ones using counters and pictures.
Correctly counting and representing the number of objects in a set using numerals.
Comparing small sets using the terms greater than, less than, or equal to (<, >, =)
Understanding the magnitude and order of numbers up to 100 by making ordered sequences and representing them on a number line.
On Wednesday, we learned a game to help us with counting forward and backward. The game is called Start With/ Get To. To play pairs of students need numeral cards 0-30. Student 1 chooses a number. This number becomes the Start With number. Student 2 chooses a number card which becomes the Get To number. Based on which numbers are drawn students will be counting either forward or backwards. If I drew the number 24 and my partner drew 16, we would count together beginning at 24 and counting backwards to 16. Once students got the gist of the game, they loved it. More students liked counting backwards than forwards. We had fun playing Start With/ Get To. Check us out.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Shout Out
Monday, August 18, 2008
The Giving Tree

On Friday, we visited Mrs. Massey in the Media Center. She share the most wonderful story with us, The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein. It begins... "Once there was a tree who loved a little boy." The tree goes on to watch the little boy grow up to be a man. She gives him everything she has to give.
Mrs. Massey used The Giving Tree to teach us about the two kinds of character. One type of character refers to the people, objects, or animals in a story. In this book, the tree and the boy were the main characters. Mrs. Massey also taught us about another character which refers to the attributes that determine a persons moral and ethical actions and reactions, in other words "who we are in our hearts".
Mrs. Massey challenged students to think of one way they could show good character as we created an art project. Students did an awesome job with this project.
Kai said, "I will help my baby sister."
A Look at Math Workshop
Who knew math could be such fun?
Today in Math Workshop, students were introduced to a counting game, Collect 20 Together. Students took turns rolling a dot cube and taking that many counters. Play continued until students had at least 20 counters. The dot cubes allowed students to practice automatic recognition of sets and adding two sets together to see how many counters they got to add. Students worked with a partner to count the counters altogether. Students learned the game quickly and had a great time playing. Take a look...

Camden was my partner. He's very good at counting!

Ethan and Chyanne counting away.

Tyler's counting the dots on the dot cube

Samuel and Bailey like this game!

Kai and Destiny are pretty fast counters!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Week 3 Newsletter

Class Schedule
Arrival - 7:45 Morning Work/ Journals
7:45 Gilbert Morning News
7:50 Calendar
8:15 Phonics
8:30 Math Workshop
9:15 Independent Reading
9:45 Reader's Workshop
10:30 Writer's Workshop
11:15 Lunch
11:45 Handwriting
12:00 Skills Block
12:30 Specials
1:15 Accelerated Reader
1:40 Recess
2:00 Afternoon Announcements
2:15 Dismissal
This week we will begin our spelling program. For tips on helping your child study his/her words, be sure to check out the list of spelling activities that was included in the blue parent folder.
AR has officially begun! Mr. Hayes and Mrs. Massey has agreed to provide the top readers with a Walmart shopping spree. Be sure to read your AR book as part of each night's homework! Each child should be ready for an AR test when he/she returns to school the next morning.

This Week at a Glance
Here's a peek at what we'll be learning this week!
- Math Workshop - Number line, Numeration to 30
- Writer's Workshop - Habits of Good Writers, Pencil Reminders
- Reader's Workshop - How to choose appropriate level books for independent reading
- Phonics - Letter Sounds U-Z
- Word Wall Words - Individualized Lists
- Handwriting: T, O, A, C, and D

This Week's Specials
Monday - P.E.
Tuesday - Computer
Wednesday - P.E.
Thursday - Art
Friday - P.E.

- Be sure to initial behavior and homework sheets each night.
- Send in Box Tops and Campbell's Soup labels. Thank you to everyone who has already done so. We are up to 690 points.
- If you have questions or concerns about your child's progress, please feel free to contact me. I may be reached via email (elisarichardson@walkerschools.org) or by phone (706-638-2432).
Monday, August 11, 2008
Star Student of the Week
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Week 2 News

Daily Specials
Monday - P.E.
Tuesday - Computer
Wednesday - P.E.
Thursday - Art
Friday - Computer
- Letter Sounds K-T
- Number words
- Math Workshop: Numeration to 30
- Writer's Workshop: Rituals and Routines
- Reader's Workshop: Introduction and Routines
- Social Studies: Getting Better at Getting Along

Please feel free to email me with questions, comments, or concerns.
Phone: 706-638-2432
Available after school:
Monday - Tuesday until 3:15
Wednesday - Friday until 4:00
Whew! We made it!
We've survived our first week of school!
It has been a very busy week! We have successfully started Writer's Workshop and Math Workshop. Students have reviewed color words, number words, numerals to 10, and many other skills.
I have assessed everyone's reading levels and early literacy skills using the DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) and the DRA2 (Developmental Reading Assessment). Mr. Lemons administered the STAR test which allows us a starting point for the Accelerated Reading Program. Both of these assessments allow me to target instruction based on individual student needs.
Mr. Lemons has administered the STAR test. The STAR test gives us a Zone of Proximal Development for your child's reading. Mrs. Massey uses this information to put "dots" on student AR folders. Students will be allowed to check out books according to their "dots" to be read for our Accelerated Reading Program.
Our week ended with a visit to Mrs. Massey in the Media Center for orientation. Mrs. Massey shared her expectations and rules for our weekly visits. She also shared Sergio Makes a Splash, a wonderful story about a penguin who was afraid of the water. We checked out our first library book! It was a great way to end a perfect week!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Week 1 Newsletter

On Monday, we started word wall words, letter sounds review, and math workshop. We also began homework. Although we do not assign written homework, we do expect your child to review letter sounds and practice reading the word wall words each night. Please be sure to initial both the homework sheet and behavior sheet daily. This lets me know your child is completing his/her homework and you are aware of his/her behavior.
Weekly Specials
Monday: P.E.
Tuesday: Computer
Wednesday: P.E.
Thursday: Art
Friday: P.E.
Please be sure to wear tennis shoes for P.E. days!

This week we're learning...
- Letter sounds A-J
- Sight Words - Color Words
- Math Workshop - Numerals, sets, and number words to 10
- Writer's Workshop - Writing a Story, Procedures
- Reader's Workshop - Procedures, Finding the right book
- Social Studies - Rules, Procedures, and Getting Along
Our schedule does not allow us time to have a snack. Do not send snack with your child. Students may and are encouraged to bring a water bottle to class. Please make sure the water bottle has a lid to avoid spills. Only water is allowed. No juice, Kool-Aid, soft drinks, or other beverages.
Our school is once again collecting Box Tops. Please continue to save and bring in these tops. Our class earns ten points for each one. The winning class receives a special treat/reward each month. Our school earns $0.10 per Box Top. Since beginning the program in 2002, our school has earned $7211. Every little bit helps! Jaylia, Ethan, and Alexis have already brought several Box Tops in for our class.
Coach Neal is collecting Campbell's Soup Labels again this year to help our school earn free equipment and supplies for Physical Education classes.
As always, if you have questions, concerns, or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me. You may send a note in your child's folder, call, or email me.
Phone: 706-638-2432
Available after school:
Monday - Tuesday until 3:15
Wednesday - Friday until 4:00
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