It's almost testing week for Gilbert Gators!
In an effort to prepare but not stress students, we will complete practice tests each morning this week. In the afternoons, we will learn tips and strategies to help us do our best. We will also play the Choice is Right, Trash Can Basketball, and other fun review games.
I want to give students the opportunity to experience testing conditions as close to the actual experience so they will know exactly what to expect. I am only allowed to read the directions for testing. Third grade students must read the questions, mark an answer sheet, and progress through the test on their own. I cannot help with words, clarify test questions, or provide any other assistance. This is a huge change from first and second grades in which teachers were allowed to read the questions and most answer choices.
The practice tests are shorter in length, as we will only complete one section. The practice tests were created using the Georgia Online Assessment System and Study Island. I will try to score each test by the day's end so students and parents can see how things went.
I am nervous and excited at the same time when it comes to testing. I have enjoyed my time teaching your children. I have observed great gains in reading and math for all students in our class. I'm excited to see just how far they have come! I believe each and every child will succeed if he or she tries his/her best!
Stay tuned!
Until next time,
Mrs. Richardson :o)
I want to give students the opportunity to experience testing conditions as close to the actual experience so they will know exactly what to expect. I am only allowed to read the directions for testing. Third grade students must read the questions, mark an answer sheet, and progress through the test on their own. I cannot help with words, clarify test questions, or provide any other assistance. This is a huge change from first and second grades in which teachers were allowed to read the questions and most answer choices.
The practice tests are shorter in length, as we will only complete one section. The practice tests were created using the Georgia Online Assessment System and Study Island. I will try to score each test by the day's end so students and parents can see how things went.
I am nervous and excited at the same time when it comes to testing. I have enjoyed my time teaching your children. I have observed great gains in reading and math for all students in our class. I'm excited to see just how far they have come! I believe each and every child will succeed if he or she tries his/her best!
Stay tuned!
Until next time,
Mrs. Richardson :o)