Farrah got to visit with her sister that she hadn't seen in a while. They got to ride bikes, play, and have fun together. Farrah and I also saw each other at CVS during Spring Break!
Heather went to the Lake in Alabama! She had a great time and was a big help to her parents.
Heather went to the Lake in Alabama! She had a great time and was a big help to her parents.
A.J. celebrated his birthday during Spring Break. His birthday was April 10th! Happy birthday, A.J. He got to go skating for his birthday! Sounds like fun, A.J.
Royce traveled with his mom to take his Grandma to another city in Georgia. He says he had fun. He got to go to the beach and get wet!
David K. went camping with his family. He also got to go fishing. He caught six fish! I never catch anything! Way to go, David!