Please make sure that your child arrives to school on time during test week (April 19-25). Testing will begin promptly at 8:00 a.m. each morning. Students arriving after testing has begun will not be admitted to class, as the testing session cannot be interrupted. These students will remain in the office or other location under the supervision of a school employee. Students who are late or absent during testing will be given a make up test. Keep in mind, children usually test best in a familiar environment, so it is important for them to take the test in their classroom with their teacher and classmates.
Check outs for doctor or dentist appointment should be avoided if possible. If not, please schedule them for the afternoon, as our testing takes place in the early morning.
Be sure your child gets a good night's sleep and a healthy breakfast before each day. Students should get between 7-8 hours of sleep each night in order to be well rested. Numerous studies have shown the importance of eating a healthy breakfast. If there's not time at home, consider allowing your child to eat breakfast at school. Breakfast is served in the cafeteria beginning at 7:15a.m. each morning.
Students are usually nervous and apprehensive about taking the CRCT. When you talk to your child about the importance of the test, try to encourage him to do his best without creating too much much anxiety. A relaxed, confident child will perform better than one who is anxious.
Check outs for doctor or dentist appointment should be avoided if possible. If not, please schedule them for the afternoon, as our testing takes place in the early morning.
Be sure your child gets a good night's sleep and a healthy breakfast before each day. Students should get between 7-8 hours of sleep each night in order to be well rested. Numerous studies have shown the importance of eating a healthy breakfast. If there's not time at home, consider allowing your child to eat breakfast at school. Breakfast is served in the cafeteria beginning at 7:15a.m. each morning.
Students are usually nervous and apprehensive about taking the CRCT. When you talk to your child about the importance of the test, try to encourage him to do his best without creating too much much anxiety. A relaxed, confident child will perform better than one who is anxious.
Tips to Help Reduce Anxiety
- Discuss the test openly and in a positive way.
- Emphasize that the test is only one measure of academic performance.
- Emphasize that test scores do not determine a person's worth.
- Encourage your child to do his or her best.
- Ask your child each day how he/she thought the went for the day.
- Try to keep your home routines as normal as possible. Sometimes busy schedules and sudden changes cause students to become anxious.