Mrs. Massey is the most amazing Librarian in the world!
We love having story time with her each week!
We love having story time with her each week!
This week Mrs. Massey taught us about a new kind of writing. It's called persuasive writing. The purpose of course is to talk someone into doing something. In this case, Tyler is pretending to be a school daredevil (a person who takes too many risks). He has decided that he wants to jump of the school roof (aka "table"). Mrs. Massey asked students what to say to Tyler to get him not to jump!

Finally Chyanne said, "Tyler if you jump a lot of people are going to be very upset and sad." Bailey added, "They would be so sad if anything happened to you because they love you!" These students were trying to speak to Tyler from their hearts. Tyler heard what they were saying and did not want to hurt his friends. So, he got down from the "roof". Mrs. Massey pointed out the importance of trying to persuade friends to make good choices. Ms. Marshall, our guidance counselor, was also present. She said that sometimes as we get older our friends will try to persuade us to try things that are NOT good for us. It is very important that you realize this as peer pressure and stand fast in your beliefs.

The little girl tries many different things to help convince her mother that she needs earrings. Some good and some not so good ways! Do you think she ever talked her Mom into them? Ask you child to share the ending of the delightful story!

Thank you, Mrs. Massey!
Thanks for sharing another great book!
We love you!
Thanks for sharing another great book!
We love you!