Welcome back! I hope you and your family had an enjoyable holiday break. It is a new year and we have much to do before our time together ends.
Your child has the opportunity to earn a free ticket to Six Flags by becoming a member of the Six Flags Six Hour Reading Club! You can read books, magazines, comic books, or newspapers. Your AR books also count towards your reading goal. You will need to start reading very soon! Record what you read and the time you spend reading. Please see the form in your child’s folder. The last day to turn in forms is February 25, 2009. No late turn in will be allowed. Please note the change in date! I made a mistake on the newsletters sent home. Sorry :(
January Book It
In addition to the Read to Succeed program, we will also continue our Book-It program. This does not mean you have to read more than usual. You can write down any books you read for both programs. Our goal for January is 10 books! The deadline is January 31.
Here’s a peek at what we will be learning this week!
Math Workshop
Procedures & Routines
Geometry Review
Writer’s Workshop
Procedures & Routines
Reader’s Workshop
Procedures & Routines
Important Reminders
Math Workshop
Procedures & Routines
Geometry Review
Writer’s Workshop
Procedures & Routines
Reader’s Workshop
Procedures & Routines

• We have P.E. on Wednesday and Friday of this week. Be sure to wear tennis shoes on these days!
• Send in Box Tops and Campbell’s Soup labels. We would love to win the contest again!
• We will have ice cream on Friday. Please send $0.50.
• Report cards will be sent home on Monday due to school being closed on Wednesday!

AR Congratulations
• Ethan Haney 10 Point Club
• Camden Neal 25 Point Club
• Trystan Smith 25 Point Club
• Kai Lucas 50 Point Club

For a printable copy of this week's newsletter click here!