Tomorrow is our first academic pep rally! Students will be awarded ribbons for meeting their Accelerated Reading goals and achieving Star Honor Roll, Honor Roll, and Perfect Attendance for this nine weeks! Be sure to check our weblog on Tuesday afternoon for photos! Also, check your child's folder for ribbons!

Here's a peek at what we'll be learning this week!
Math Workshop
Subtraction (0-10)
Writer's Workshop
Publishing Personal Narritives
Reader's Workshop
Fairy Tales & Tall Tales
/k/, /ng/, /kw/, and short vowels
Short e Word Families
Fluency Passages
Sam is Sad
The Fox and the Bird
Jake's Jar
Word Wall Words
Individualized Lists

Mark your calendars!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
I hope you will make plans to join us for our annual PTO Art's Night - A Evening with Vincent. Students' art work will be on display. Mrs. Sandow has arranged for live musical entertainment and has planned a special project for you in the art room.
- We have P.E. on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of this week. Please wear tennis shoes on these days!
- Be sure to initial behavior and homework sheets each night. Remember to read your AR books and study your math addition facts as part of your homework each night.
- Send in Box Tops and Campbell's Soup labels. We would love to win!

Dates to Know
October 21
K-1st Grades Pep Rally @ 1:30
A Night with Vincent Art Show 6-8 p.m.
October 22
2nd & 3rd Grades Pep Rally
October 23
4th & 5th Grades Pep Rally
October 31
Harvest Day
Gilbert will not be celebration Halloween.
We have Harvest day. Students are encouraged to wear harvest clothes (overalls, jeans, & plaid shirts).
First grade is planning awesome activities for our students. Please watch folders for more information and to find out how you can help!
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