Welcome back to school!
I hope everyone enjoyed our fall break and you're ready to get back to business. We've successfully completed our first nine-weeks grading period. Report cards will be issued this Friday, October 17th.
Parent conferences will be held the week of October 20-24. I would like to meet with every parent to discuss your child's progress. I will address individual strengths, weaknesses, assessment data, and reading levels. Conference notices will be sent home in folders on Tuesday. Please choose three times convenient for you. I will do my best to accommodate everyone's first choice. You will receive a confirmation notice once I have all the conferences scheduled.

Arts Night @ Gilbert
Tuesday, October 21st
6-8 p.m.
I hope you will make plans to join us for our annual Arts Night @ Gilbert next Tuesday. Student art works will be on display and available for purchase in the gym. Local artists and craftsmen will be on hand to share their works of art. You may also visit the Art Room for a special activity with Mrs. Sandow.

October Scholastic Book Order Forms were sent home today. There are some awesome books included in this month's flyer. Some of our favorite characters are offered this month such as Skippyjon Jones, Junie B. Jones, Fancy Nancy, and many others. Just in case your flyer got lost in the day to day travel, you may view the flyer by clicking here. Scholastic includes the GRL or Guided Reading Levels for each book. Your child should be able to tell you which letter/ level he/she is reading on currently. If you have questions about the reading level for your child, please email or give me a call. The last date for ordering books is Friday, October 17th. Please include a check for your total amount.

Here's a peek at what we're learning this week...
Math Workshop
Addition with 3 addends
Addition and subtraction on a number line
Writer's Workshop
Publishing a personal narrative
R-controlled vowels (ar, ir, er, ur, and or)
Character: traits, comparisons, tracking changes
Short e words
Fluency Passages
Sam Wants to Play
A Boy and His Trick
Plants and Animals
Word Wall Words