Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Reindeer Day 2012

Third grade teachers planned a day of fun activities to go along with one of our favorite holiday read alouds. In the story, Olive the Other Reindeer, Olive is merrily preparing for Christmas when suddenly she realizes "Olive... the other Reindeer... I thought I was a dog. Hmmm, I must be a Reindeer!" So she quickly hops aboard the polar express and heads to the North Pole. While Santa and the other reindeer are a bit surprised that a dog wants to join the their team, in the end Olive and her unusual reindeer skills are just what Santa and his veteran reindeer team need. 

Students made 2 reindeer ornaments, read the book, watched the video, made a reindeer snack, and completed a persuasive writing activity. For the writing activity, students had to choose an animal they would like to be and write a letter to Santa to convince him to hire them for his reindeer team. Students did a great job and were very creative. We had cheetahs because as you know, they are very fast. There were also zebras, lions, tigers, and many other creatures to apply for the job!

Here's a peek at the reindeer snack!