Alex Wood
Lee Smith (moved already)
Kaitlyn Brackett

You have noticed the addition of the CRCT Coach books to our normal homework schedule. We are completing some lessons in class also as games to ensure we review all material prior to testing. Our schedule is as follows:
Lee Smith (moved already)
Kaitlyn Brackett

You have noticed the addition of the CRCT Coach books to our normal homework schedule. We are completing some lessons in class also as games to ensure we review all material prior to testing. Our schedule is as follows:
Monday - Math
Tuesday - Reading
Thursday - Science
We have complete our math facts for multiplication. Your child should continue to review the assigned facts. We'll continue to test our fluency with these facts daily.
Please continue to ensure your child reads his or her A. R. books for at least twenty minutes each night.
Goal Setting
Students were having trouble staying on track to meet their weekly A.R. and Math Fact goals. I created a form that allows students to keep track of their goals all on one page.
Timed Facts Goal: Students set personal goals for themselves increasing by at least five each day. Those who do not meet their weekly goal must list a strategy they can use to improve.
A.R. Goals: Each student must meet grade level expectations with AR goals. The following is required:
I check for chapter books on Thursday morning. If a student has not taken his chapter book quiz, he will miss Thursday's recess. The following day's recess and specials (P.E., Art, Computer, Science Lab) will also be missed until the book is complete and the test is taken.
All of these requirements are put into place to discourage students from taking tests on books they have NOT read. Students are given 30-45 minutes each morning to read as well. They may also read if they finish an assignment early. However, students must read at least 20 minutes outside of class in order to meet weekly goals.
Tuesday - Reading
Thursday - Science
We have complete our math facts for multiplication. Your child should continue to review the assigned facts. We'll continue to test our fluency with these facts daily.
Please continue to ensure your child reads his or her A. R. books for at least twenty minutes each night.

Students were having trouble staying on track to meet their weekly A.R. and Math Fact goals. I created a form that allows students to keep track of their goals all on one page.
Timed Facts Goal: Students set personal goals for themselves increasing by at least five each day. Those who do not meet their weekly goal must list a strategy they can use to improve.
A.R. Goals: Each student must meet grade level expectations with AR goals. The following is required:
- One chapter book per week
- 3 other books (student's choice)
- 85% or higher average
I check for chapter books on Thursday morning. If a student has not taken his chapter book quiz, he will miss Thursday's recess. The following day's recess and specials (P.E., Art, Computer, Science Lab) will also be missed until the book is complete and the test is taken.
All of these requirements are put into place to discourage students from taking tests on books they have NOT read. Students are given 30-45 minutes each morning to read as well. They may also read if they finish an assignment early. However, students must read at least 20 minutes outside of class in order to meet weekly goals.
Computer Facts: Students record scores earned on the computer version of math facts. The computer gives one minute for 20 problems ( 3 seconds per problem). Certificates are printed for each fact students master. Our goal is to get through all 10 facts by Friday.
Congratulations! Our class was the winner of the attendance contest for January for third grade! Way to go everyone! We enjoyed our ice cream reward on Thursday, February 4th!
Congratulations! Our class was the winner of the attendance contest for January for third grade! Way to go everyone! We enjoyed our ice cream reward on Thursday, February 4th!