Terry Catlett and Dave the Story Dog visited Gilbert Elementary School last week to teach students the importance of treating the family pet with respect and love. Mrs. Catlett told students that when you adopt a pet you are making a very important promise to that pet. You are promising to love him, play with him, feed him, and give him a safe warm home.
Catlett and Dave Wood are two of the founding members of the North Georgia Animal League, a nonprofit organization based in Walker County.The organization began four years ago when the Walker County commissioner formed a large group of volunteers to help renovate the county’s animal control facility. After the project was completed and most of the volunteers dispersed, a core of about 15 dedicated people remained. They were so affected by what they had seen and by the state of animal welfare in Walker County, that this group, which included Catlett and Wood, vowed to do some-thing about it, and so the North Georgia Animal League was born.
In order to educate the public, the North Georgia Animal League has also partnered with Walker County Libraries to bring animal education programs to local elementary schools. During the program, Catlett reads books that have been approved by the humane society and tries to impart on the children the importance of treating pets with equal amounts of food, shelter and love.