This week we will be starting all of our workshops. We will also begin homework. Please be sure to look at the homework sheet on the back of this newsletter. Although, I do not assign written spelling homework, I do expect your child to review spelling words and practice reading the fluency passage each night. Beginning on Tuesday, you will also have an AR book to read each night. Please initial both the homework sheet and behavior sheet daily. This lets me know your child is completing his/her homework and you are aware if his/her behavior.
This week's specials...
Monday - P.E.
Tuesday - Science Lab
Wednesday - Art
Thursday - Computer
Friday - P.E.
Students are allowed a short morning break and may bring a healthy snack to eat during this time. Snacks are on an individual basis. We do not do class snack. Each person brings his or her own. Students may and are encouraged to bring a water bottle to class. Please make sure the water bottle has a lid to help avoid spills. Also, do not send juice, sodas, or Kool-aid, water only.
Monday - P.E.
Tuesday - Science Lab
Wednesday - Art
Thursday - Computer
Friday - P.E.

• Our school is once again collecting Box Tops. Please continue to save and turn in these tops. Our class earns ten points for each one. The winning class receives a special treat/ reward each month. With the ones I saved over the summer and the ones Amber brought, our class already has 600 points! Thanks, Amber!
• Coach Neal is collecting Campbell’s Soup Labels, Caprisun Points, and Tyson Chicken Labels again this year to help our school earn free equipment and supplies for Physical Education.
• We get ice cream on Fridays. If your child wishes to have ice cream, please send in $0.50. Remember a yellow or red color earned at any point during the week results in a loss of this privilege.
• If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. You may send a note in your child’s folder, call, or email me.
Phone: 706-638-2432
If for some reason you did not receive a copy of this newsletter, you may click on the title to download a pdf file of it.