Sunday, August 30, 2009

Wk 4 Newsletter Aug 31 - Sept 4


Greetings everyone! I hope that you had an enjoyable weekend. It’s hard to believe summer is almost over and we’ve been back at school for 17 days!

We have completed our rituals and routines in all three workshops. We will begin regular skills and standards instruction in Reader’s and Writer’s workshops. In Math Workshop, we will continue our exploration of place value, addition, and subtraction of whole numbers.

Important Reminders

• Be sure to initial behavior and homework sheets each night! Remember to read your AR book as part of your homework.

• Send in Box Tops and Campbell’s Soup labels. ☺

• Book order forms were sent home last week. If you would like to order, please return the order form and payment by Wednesday, September 2nd. Every purchase helps our class earn free books.

Dates to Know

September 2 Students will have a substitute teacher, as I must attend a Math Workshop at AEC. Mrs. Ramey will be our substitute teacher. I will return on Thursday.

September 4 LHS Ramblers take on the Trion Bulldogs at Jack King Stadium in LaFayette. Several faculty and staff will be in attendance to support the Ramblers! See you there!

September 7 Labor Day Holiday - You will have an extra day to spend with your family and friends, as we observe the holiday with Monday off from school.

A Note about Math

I understand there has been some concern about a few math grades that were lower than expected. I don’t want you to worry. My policy is that students may correct any math assignment and return it to school for half credit. For example if a student makes a 60 on an assignment, he or she can correct and return the assignment to me. If all the problems were correct, he or she would earn a new grade of 80. This grade would replace the 60 in my grade book. So, if you have papers that need to be corrected, please do so and return them by Tuesday, September 1st.

Contact Information

Planning Time 10:40-11:25
After School until 3:00 p.m. each day.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Gilbert Elementary School's PTO is currently holding their annual membership drive. This year they are offering a popcorn party to the classroom in each grade level that has the most returned membership forms! By joining our PTO organization, you are helping both teachers and students! Won't you join today? Forms were sent home this afternoon in folders. The membership drive continues through September 4th.

Thanks for your help!

Clipart by PTO Today

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Wk 3 Newsletter August 24-28

Last week was an awesome week! We learned two math games to help us with place value. We worked on mastering the properties of addition.

On Wednesday, we visited Miss Jennifer for our weekly library visit. She taught us about research. What is it and how do we conduct research? Miss Jennifer allowed us to choose an animal. We had to research to find out its habitat, what it eats, and an interesting fact. It was way cool! We learned tons about elephants, giraffes, chameleons, gorillas, lions, and many more. Who knew research could be such fun?

Important Reminders

• Be sure to initial behavior and homework sheets each night! Remember to read your AR book as part of your homework.

• Send in Box Tops and Campbell’s Soup labels. Thank you to everyone who has already done so. We are up to 2460 points.☺

This Week at a Glance:
Here’s a peek at what we will be learning this week!

Math Workshop
Two-digit Addition with Regrouping and estimation

Writer’s Workshop
Habits of Good Writers

Georgia Habitats

Reader’s Workshop
Rituals and Routines Continued

Letters Cc and Dd

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Wk 1 Newsletter August 10-14

I hope you had a restful weekend! After spending the first day getting to know each other, we will be going to work this week. Everything at Gilbert is up and running successfully. We will have specials (Art, Computer, Science Lab, and P.E.) and visit the library for our orientation and our first checkout. I will administer the STAR test and the DRA (Developmental Reading Assessment) to determine your child’s reading levels.

This week we will be starting all of our workshops. We will also begin homework. Please be sure to look at the homework sheet on the back of this newsletter. Although, I do not assign written spelling homework, I do expect your child to review spelling words and practice reading the fluency passage each night. Beginning on Tuesday, you will also have an AR book to read each night. Please initial both the homework sheet and behavior sheet daily. This lets me know your child is completing his/her homework and you are aware if his/her behavior.

This week's specials...

Monday - P.E.
Tuesday - Science Lab
Wednesday - Art
Thursday - Computer
Friday - P.E.

Students are allowed a short morning break and may bring a healthy snack to eat during this time. Snacks are on an individual basis. We do not do class snack. Each person brings his or her own. Students may and are encouraged to bring a water bottle to class. Please make sure the water bottle has a lid to help avoid spills. Also, do not send juice, sodas, or Kool-aid, water only.

If you have not already sent in a 1-inch 3-ring binder and a 5-subject notebook, please do so as soon as possible, as we will need them beginning on Wednesday.

Thank you so very much for the items from our wish list. We are currently well stocked with tissues, hand sanitizer, and disinfectant wipes. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.


• Our school is once again collecting Box Tops. Please continue to save and turn in these tops. Our class earns ten points for each one. The winning class receives a special treat/ reward each month. With the ones I saved over the summer and the ones Amber brought, our class already has 600 points! Thanks, Amber!

• Coach Neal is collecting Campbell’s Soup Labels, Caprisun Points, and Tyson Chicken Labels again this year to help our school earn free equipment and supplies for Physical Education.

• We get ice cream on Fridays. If your child wishes to have ice cream, please send in $0.50. Remember a yellow or red color earned at any point during the week results in a loss of this privilege.

• If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. You may send a note in your child’s folder, call, or email me.
Phone: 706-638-2432

If for some reason you did not receive a copy of this newsletter, you may click on the title to download a pdf file of it.

First Day!

Mrs. Richardson's 3rd Grade Class

I just wanted to thank everyone for a wonderful first day! We spent the day getting to know each other through an activity called "New Kids on the Block". Hopefully, you will get the chance to stop by and see our end products. They are hanging in the hall.

It was hard for me as a mom as I had to send my oldest child, Alex off to the University of Tennessee at 6 a.m. on Friday. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done... saying bye to my child. Secondly, my youngest started High School. It seems like just yesterday that they were still here at Gilbert with me. I was a bit teary for the first hour or so of school. However, the wonderful smiling faces of my new students quickly cheered me up!

We are in for a wonderful school year! I am excited to be your child's teacher and am working hard to plan for the best year ever!

Meet the Cast & Crew

Meet the Cast & Crew of Mrs. Richardson's 3rd Grade

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Welcome to 3rd Grade!

Welcome to third grade! I am very excited to be your teacher this year. We are going to have a wonderful year! I hope you and your parents are planning to attend Open House on August 6. This year's Open House is a little different from our usual drop in event. Third grade is scheduled to meet from 6:30 - 7:00 p.m. During this time, you will have the opportunity to check out our classroom, drop off supplies, and your parents will learn a little more about what to expect from third grade. I can't wait to meet each one of you!

Mrs. Richardson