We have been working on our nonfiction unit in Writer's Workshop. Last week, we learned where to look for information if we had questions or just wanted to learn more. On Monday, students were asked to choose an animal or insect for their informational report. We completed a K-W-L chart to help us prepare for researching our topic. In the K column, we recorded the information we already knew about our topic. In the W column, we recorded what we wanted to know about our animal/ insect. The L column would be used to record the things we learn about our topic.
Our next step was to put what we've learned into action. We visited Mrs. Massey in our Media Center on Tuesday and Wednesday. She and Ms. Jennifer helped us locate books about our topic (animal or an insect). If a book was not available, we knew to use the Internet or an Encyclopedia. Several of us used all three sources to gather our information and answer the questions we posed in our W(want to know) column. As we gathered information, we recorded our findings on our K-W-L chart.
On Thursday and Friday, we continued to research our topics in the classroom. We needed to make sure we could tell what our animal looked like, what they eat, where they live, and how they are born. Once all information was gathered, we used a web graphic organizer to group like information together and make a plan for writing.
I am amazed at how quickly students picked up the idea and practice of research. It was fascinating to watch as they poured over books, encyclopedias, and used the Internet. I cannot wait to read the final products. They have learn so much. Take a look at these photos...