November Greetings!
Welcome back to school! I hope you enjoyed your weekend. I would like to say a special thanks to all our veterans for defending our freedom!
Students’ spelling scores have decreased over the past two weeks. Please be sure to help your child study each night! I know we can do better!
Watch for progress reports and other important information in folders later this week!

Important Reminders
• We have P.E. on Monday and Wednesday of this week. Be sure to wear tennis shoes on those days!
• Be sure to initial behavior and homework sheets each night! Remember to read your AR book as part of your homework.
• Send in Box Tops and Campbell’s Soup labels. We would love to win! ☺
• Ice Cream on Fridays for students earning blue and green throughout the week. Ice cream is $0.50.

Dates to Know
November 11 Veterans’ Day
November 12 Progress Reports
November 14 Family Fun Night
November 14 Story Time w/ Mrs. Massey
November 24-28 Thanksgiving Holidays
This week we're learning:
Math Workshop
Equal division of sets
Writer's Workshop
Functional Writing
Reader's Workshop
Nonfictional Texts
Text structures
y, long i, ci, and ce
Fluency Passages
Scruffy Will Ride
After the Rain
How to Play Running Bases
The Marching Band
Word Wall Words
Individual Lists