A big THANK YOU to everyone for sending in items for our Harvest Day Celebration. It was a huge success and loads of fun! Check out our web log later this week for photos.
For those of you who were unable to schedule conferences, missed your time, or I had to reschedule, I will be sending home the information we were to discuss. If you have further questions after receiving this update on your child’s progress, let me know and we’ll find a time for a face-to-face conference.
Note about Math Facts: Students will have 20 problems of twos math facts to complete in
AR Congratulations!Congratulations to our newest point club members!
10 Point ClubChris Burse
Jaylia Dennel
Camden Neal
Eli Prince
Jarrod Rape
25 Point Club Bailey Noles
A peek at what we're learning this week!
Math WorkshopMoney: dime, penny, nickel, and quarter
Writer's WorkshopNovember Authority List
Introduction of Nonfiction Writing Genre
Informational & Functional
Reader's WorkshopMain Idea & Details
PhonicsReview, silent e spellings
SpellingShort U: -ut, -ug
Long I: -ide
Fluency PassageScruffy Will Help Sam
Sad Day, Happy Day
A Birthday Party
Word Wall WordsIndividualized Lists

Monday - Wednesday
- Study your spelling words.
- Practice your word wall words.
- Read your fluency passage.
- Read your AR books to someone special.
- Study math facts for two. Review the ones and zeros.
- Take a practice spelling test.
- Practice your word wall words. You should be able to read each word within three seconds.
- Read your fluency passage.
- Read your AR book to someone special.
- Study math facts for two. Review the ones and zeros. You will have 20 math problems to complete in one minute.
- Have a great weekend!
- Review graded papers. If you scored below a 90 on a math assignment, you can correct the missed items and return the paper to school. You will receive partial credit for assignments corrected. Papers must be returned on Monday!

- We have P.E. on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of this week. Please plan to wear tennis shoes on these days!
- Parents be sure to initial behavior and homework sheets each night!
- Send in Box Tops and Campbell's Soup labels. We would love to win this month's contest.

Nov. 4 Mock Election Day
Nov. 6 Character Ed. lesson w/ Mr. Hayes
Nov. 7 Story Time with Mrs. Massey
Nov. 12 Progress Reports Issued
Nov. 12 Drop Everything and Write!
Nov. 14 Family Fun Night!
Nov. 17 Board of Education Meeting
Nov. 18 PTO Meeting for parents
Nov. 20 PTO Pizza & Movie Night
Nov. 20 Pictures with Santa
Nov. 24-28 Thanksgiving Break