On that note, progress reports will be sent home this week. Please review this report carefully. If you have questions or concerns, please contact me to schedule a conference. We are planning to have a "Meet the Teacher" night in September. But, I am happy to meet with you before that date to address any concerns you may have.

- Please sign behavior and homework sheets daily. Remember to read your AR book each night as part of your homework. Due to time constraints, your child needs to be ready for an AR test each morning.
- Send in Box Tops and Campbell's Soup Labels.
- Book order forms were sent home last week. If you would like to place an order, please return the order form and payment by Friday, September 5th. Every purchase helps our class earn free books for our classroom library.
- 5th grade will be sponsoring and bake sale and candy sale on Friday, September 5. Baked goods and drinks are 50 cents each. Candy bars are $1 each. Thanks to you, they earned $102 last week!

Math Workshop - Graphing, Data Interpretation
Writer's Workshop - Personal Narrative
Reader's Workshop - Predicting
Phonics - Letter sounds d, o, b, and c
Spelling - Short A words
Fluency Passages - Sam Is In, Untitled, The Frog
Handwriting - Uu, Ss, Bb, and Pp
Word Wall Words - Individualized Lists

Dates to Know
September 4 Silhouette Artist @ Gilbert
September 5 Bake/Candy Sale
September 5 Book Order Deadline
September 5 LHS @ Trion
September 10 Individual Fall Portraits
Clipart Courtesy of