By all these lovely tokens
September days are here,
With summer's best of weather
And autumn's best of cheer.
~Helen Hunt Jackson
It looks as though autumn is finally here! Last week's weather was wonderful with warm temperatures, sunny skies, and a light cool breeze. Students definitely enjoyed their recess time in the sunshine and fresh air. Mornings have been a bit on the cool side. Many students are wearing jackets. Please be sure to write your child's name in his/her jacket to minimize the chance of it getting lost or mistaken as someone else's.
I wanted to thank everyone for the support you've shown for our school and our students. Gilbert welcomed over 325 grandparents to our Grandparents' Day event. We had seventeen grandparents and other family members to visit our classroom. Your purchases at the school's book fair allowed your grandchildren to get some awesome books for their collections and earn money for our library! Our school earned a little over $1700 for our media center. Mrs. Massey plans to use the funds to purchase even more books and AR quizzes for our collection.

Important Reminders
We have P.E. on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday of this week. Be sure to wear tennis shoes on those days!
Please initial behavior and homework sheets each night!
Remember to read your AR book as part of your homework. Our goal is for every students to take at least
one AR test each day. Be ready for your test when you return to school.
Send in Box Tops and Campbell's Soup Labels!

Dates to Know
October 1 Mr. Hayes will visit our classroom to observe Reader's Workshop.
October 2 Attendance awards will be given during lunch.
October 2 LHS Homecoming Parade
October 2 LHS Community Pep Rally & Bonfire 8-8:45
October 3 Gator Day - School Spirit Day - wear green (Gators) or orange (Ramblers)
October 3 Biscuits on Sale - Chicken or Sausage $2 each
October 3 Ice Cream Day
October 3 LHS Homecoming
October 6-10 Fall Break

This week at a glance...
Math Workshop - Addition
Writer's Workshop - Title, Excluding Extraneous Details, Writing Rubrics
Reader's Workshop - Retelling
Phonics - th, sh, and ch
Spelling - Short O words
Fluency Passages - Scruffy is a Dog, The Rabbit and the Turtle, and the New Friend
Word Wall Words - Individualized lists
Handwriting - Letters K-T review
Skills - graphing, place value word problems, short vowel review