Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Hodge's Hard Workers!

Students at School

Congratulations to these hard workers!

The following students made a Perfect Score 
on the Government Test last week!


These students score a 98%! 
Allie C.
Alli P.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Do you dare????

Halloween Friends 
Do you dare...

Each week, third grade students are challenged to complete the Door Dare! Mrs. Scott posts a new word problem each week. Students must solve the problem and submit their answers to the Door Dare bucket. On Fridays, Mrs. Scott chooses a slip from the bucket. The winner must have the correct answer. He or she receives a small prize pack filled with all kinds of goodies.

Due to all third grade classes earning their Brownie Points award on Friday, Mrs. Scott didn't choose a winner. The winner was chosen today at recess. Congratulations to this week's Math Wizard....

Maggie Webster

Who will be this week's winner?
Don't forget to do the Door Dare before Friday!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Red Ribbon Week for Gilbert

We will be observing our annual “Red Ribbon Week” celebration next week, October 22nd – 26th. In observance of Red Ribbon Week, we will have dress up theme days Monday – Friday next week. These theme days are as follows:
Monday, October 22nd
 “United We Stand For A Drug Free Land” 
Wear blue jeans with red & white
Tuesday, October 23rd
“Team Up Against / Put a Cap on Drugs” day
Wear your favorite team jersey & favorite hat.

Wednesday, October 24th
“Drugs & I Don’t Mix”
Wear mismatched clothes / socks
Thursday, October 25th
 “It’s Groovy To Be Drug Free”
Dress in 60’s / 70’s clothes
Friday, October 26th 
“Say Boo To Drugs” 
Dress as your favorite book character

What is Red Ribbon Week?

The Red Ribbon Week Celebration is a drug and alcohol abuse awareness campaign
observed annually throughout the nation during the last full week in October. While Red
Ribbon Week is not meant to serve as a prevention or early intervention program, it is
meant to promote awareness of, and hopefully reduce, illegal drug/substance use and
abuse in our country.

This Year’s Theme: “The Best Me Is Drug Free!”

The Red Ribbon Pledge: “ No use of illegal drugs, no illegal use of legal drugs!”

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Fall Break!

 Enjoy a few days off!
Students will return on Tuesday, October 16th!

Monday, October 8, 2012


Owl Chalkboard Thank You 

A huge thank you to all our parents for supplying drinks or desserts for Family Fun Night! The cake walk was a big hit! Thank you all for your support! We couldn't make it a success without you!

Third Grade Tidbits

A Note about Library Books!

Due to the absence of the Accelerated Reader program, students must complete a written response to their library books. For fiction books, students will complete a two-page story map. Responses must be in complete sentences with correct capitalization and punctuation. For nonfiction books, students will complete a circle map. Students will not be allowed to return books to the library until a response for each book is complete. Considering our time limitations, it would be best for students to complete these at home. 

Gilbert Elementary will be sponsoring a Coke Wagon at Walmart on October 20th. Please make plans to stop by and see us! If you would be interested in volunteering to work, please contact the school.

We know we are covering lots of material quickly. However, we must get everything in before testing begins in April. To ensure that your child does his or her best, we’ll need your help. Have students review study guides, booklets, artifacts, and even graded papers to keep topics fresh in our minds.

Make plans now to attend the Boooo-k Party on Friday, October 26 after school. Remember costumes should be book characters. Not scary or mean. No face paint, fake blood, nor fangs. We must get through the school day without distractions.

We are noticing more and more make up work. We know students will miss school from time to time. Please understand, students have one day to return missed assignments. It is the student’s responsibility to see that it is complete and turned in. After that, a grade of zero will be given.

Tardies are also an issue for third graders. Students have morning work that must be completed. They have no other time to make up their morning work except recess. Please try to be at school on time. Be there earlier if you’re planning to eat breakfast.

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