Saturday, October 8, 2011

Wk 5 AR Report

AR Report as of Friday, October 7, 2011

Most Words Read - Top Three
Gracie Bennett - 43,536 words
Savannah Smith - 19,672 words
Cody Davis - 18,708 words

Class total for words read 181,727!

Daylen read the most books with 10 tests taken this week!
Paige had the highest average with 92% correct!

Congrats everyone!

Parents, remember you can check your child's AR record at any time by visiting the link below. Log in information was sent home a few weeks ago. Let me know if you need another copy.


Students, please remember AR is part of your homework. You should be ready for a test when your arrive to school in the mornings. Third graders are required to read and take tests on at least 4 books per week.

Boo-k! Party

You're invited to Gilbert's 3rd Annual Boo-k Party!

Come to school dressed as your favorite BOO-k character and for $5, stay after school for the party! There will be music, snacks, dancing, and a trip to Boogerwood Holler (optional, if you're not too scared!) We are also having a jack-o-lantern contest. To enter, bring the best hand carved pumpkin ever, with a flameless candle and your name on the bottom. We will turn them on for the party and party goers will pick their favorite!

Friday, October 28
2:30 - 4:30

Please follow the school's dress code when designing your character. Keep in mind, you will have to wear your costume all day long. So think, comfortable. You may wear make-up, but nothing too scary. We have little ones who share our school!

Wk 4's Spelling Bee Winners

Cody Gribble - 1st Place
Cody Davis - 2nd Place
Savannah Smith - 3rd Place

LHS Homecoming Week

During the week of September 26-30, Gilbert students were invited to join LHS's Homecoming celebration activities. We joined them in dressing up in various theme throughout the week. Here are some photos of our school spirit!

We love our Grandparents!

There's nothing like the love of a grandparent! On September 27th, Gilbert celebrated Grandparents' Day! Grandparents were invited to our classroom where they could be interviewed, help solve puzzles, or read a book with their grand child. Following these activities, students were treated to snacks and photos in the gym. The last event was a trip to the Book Fair! We had a wonderful day with our grandparents!

Reviewing Place Value

Place value review tasks on September 8 were loads of fun! Check it out!

Welcome to Third Grade!

Firstly, I would like to apologize for not keeping my blog up-to-date. It has been very difficult to do so due to the computer and server issues within our county system. Our school's website is still not up and running. You may access school information by visiting the Current Event's blog, click here

I will continue to update our class web log until the county's issues are resolved. So check back often! I'm very happy to have your child in my class this year. I'm "ant"icipating an awesome year!