Field Trip Information
I hope you are excited as I am about our field trip. Please remember, I need all paperwork turned in by Tuesday March 31st. That's tomorrow! I need both your child's permission form signed and the bottom portion of the green form which includes shirt size and parent information. I must also have a down payment of at least $6 by Friday, April 3rd.
Payment Options:
Payment Options:
- $15 which covers student field trip and t-shirt
- $7.50 down payment now, $7.50 by April 22
- $6 down payment now, $5 by April 17, $4 by April 24

We need your help!
We are out of the following supplies:
Hand Sanitizer

Review of word family patterns
Writer's Workshop
CRCT Review
Reader's Workshop
CRCT Review
Math Workshop
CRCT Review
Fluency Passages
Who Is Out at Night?
Big and Small
Plants in Danger
The Polar Regions
Word Wall Words
Individualized Lists